Nicole Rabata


Refresh calendars
Sun Jan 20th 12:00 pm  to 3:00 pmIrish SessionBull Feeney's, 375 Fore St, Portland, ME
Sun Jan 27th 12:00 pm  to 3:00 pmIrish SessionBull Feeney's, 375 Fore St, Portland, ME
Sun Feb 3rd 12:00 pm  to 3:00 pmIrish SessionBull Feeney's, 375 Fore St, Portland, ME
Sun Feb 3rd 5:30 pm  to 6:30 pmCeltic Eventide (p)St. Alban's Church, Cape Elizabeth
Sun Feb 10th 12:00 pm  to 3:00 pmIrish SessionBull Feeney's, 375 Fore St, Portland, ME
Sun Feb 10th 5:00 pm  to 6:30 pmChoro Louco Performance (Brazilian choro)Blue
650 Congress St, Portland, ME 04101, United States
Sun Feb 17th 12:00 pm  to 3:00 pmIrish SessionBull Feeney's, 375 Fore St, Portland, ME
Sun Feb 17th 5:30 pm  to 6:30 pmCeltic EventideSt. Alban's Church, Cape Elizabeth
Sun Feb 24th 12:00 pm  to 3:00 pmIrish SessionBull Feeney's, 375 Fore St, Portland, ME
Sun Feb 24th 5:30 pm  to 6:30 pmCeltic Eventide (p)St. Alban's Church, Cape Elizabeth
Fri Mar 1st 7:30 pm  to 9:00 pmConcert - Mechanics Hallfree tickets. Works by Dvorak, Fabregas, Bach, etc.
Sat Mar 2nd 8:00 pm  to 9:30 pmFACULTY CONCERT SERIES: Celebrating Chamber Music Within Our Communities$15 adult, $10 seniors, USM employees and alumni, $5 students. Corthell Concert Hall, University of Southern Maine
Sun Mar 3rd 12:00 pm  to 3:00 pmIrish SessionBull Feeney's, 375 Fore St, Portland, ME